Saturday, August 2, 2008

Build a Bears

My friend kristin invented a game called build a bears, and she and her friends played it with me, It was weird but then it got better becasue gloria (Sarah's build-a-bear) was really fat and tried to eat everthing in sight so sadie tackeled her and sat on her for at least fifteen minutes or so until they noticed i was on her it was funny to see Sarah' face then she said "she's all warm and we started laughing after that it was all a memory so write in my memories colom about it go do it now go go go go go


~*~SkIdDs~*~ said...

you suck at writing

Tutticutie said...

ya you do suck at writing!

Kris said...

dont be mean :D

Kris said...

by the way you forgot the p in play :D

~*~SkIdDs~*~ said...

i know